If you don't have time to call your MLA (which is always better), please email ASAP!
You can use our sample to add personal touches and copy them into the email campaign provided - it's that easy! It's so important that artists, organizations, including boards and audiences, and and the public lift their voices and say why arts and culture matters in Nova Scotia.
BEFORE FEB 3, copy your email to [email protected]to have it included in the Pre-budget submission process.
Make a Submission to the Pre Budget Consultation Process 1. Use our Instructions and download ourfillable form to show you how or make your own. You can see a sample submission here 2. Fill in your own story on the last page to say why this matters to you. 3. Submit to [email protected] (and copy your MLA) before Feb 3!
See here for a sample email you can use and adapt and and then attach your submission.
It is vital to be respectful and to copy the following on your email:
If comfortable, and you have the time, take a photo with the MLA and post it using the messaging we have attached (or your own) with the hashtags provided.
This government was elected on a platform to fix health care, but they always have to keep other aspects of the province running.
They have invested more than $7 million of new money in the film industry (which is fabulous) but that doesn't help the arts and culture organizations, so there is a will to invest other than in health care - we need to help the Premier embrace what the arts and culture can do for NS.
Investment in Arts and Culture has significant and documented positive health impacts, it is a driving or economic development, social cohesion and a recruitment tool for new immigrants including health care workers.
It is a promise to our future as a vibrant, modern society, and one that can keep our young creative thinkers at home.